iFarms and ACETI, master class with the participation of the Agroindustrial College of Grinăuți
The Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies (ACETI), in the frame of the project “Edu – Tech – Agro – Nord – Agricultural Technological Education for the North” has aligned with Ifarms company to the master class “Efficient use of digital technologies in agriculture_NORD”, organized on November 22 in the premises of the Edinet District Council.
The event was attended by students and teachers of “Gheorghe Răducan” Agro-Industrial College from Grinăuți, Ocnita district, an institution that actively participates in the activities of “Edu – Tech – Agro – North”, as well as farmers from the northern region of the Republic of Moldova.
During the master class, which turned out to be focused on practical aspects of digitization of agriculture, participants took the opportunity to test in real time with their own electronic devices (laptops, tablets) the iFarms mobile application, which literally allows you to manage an agricultural business from your pocket.
The software allows, based on data collected from various sensors, weather stations, insect traps and specialized satellite data, to provide data and forecasts with recommendations for sowing periods, fertilization, irrigation, pest control and disease prevention, data on vegetation development and other relevant information to streamline the work carried out on the farm and, therefore, substantially increase its yield.
In addition to learning about the app itself, participants at the activity were also able to see the data collection devices in the field that provide the app with the relevant data.
The iFarms platform provides its users with permanent access to 16 free modules for digitizing agricultural land, as well as 18 premium modules covering all aspects of a sound agricultural business.
The participants of the master class tested, with the help of iFarms representatives, various procedures of working in the application, from account creation to the creation of fields, entering employees, fleet of vehicles and machinery, filling in warehouses, recognizing diseases, managing alerts on soil humidity and temperature, air temperature, wind speed, insect counts, etc.
Both the young students and their teachers, as well as the farmers present at the event, showed a keen interest in the new technologies presented, assuring the organizers that they will continue to practice working with the IFarms application in order to be able to use the data it provides in agricultural activities, including teaching.
The activity was also welcomed by the management of the “Gheorghe Răducan” Agro-Industrial College from Grinăuți. According to Veaceslav Ciuntu, the deputy director of the institution, the solutions presented could give more precision to the study of the state of crops on the college’s experimental fields.
The project “Edu – Tech – Agro – Nord – Agricultural Technology Education for the North” is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID Moldova) through the The Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) and is implemented by ACETI, in collaboration with development partners.