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The Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova (DIH of Moldova) is a project created in December 2021 by the Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies (ACETI), together with a group of regional, national, and international IT companies. It follows the model of the European Digital Innovation Hub from Romania, facilitating connections between startups, investors, providing access to funding for digital transformation. Simultaneously, it serves as a platform connecting companies in the region with professionals, future specialists, suppliers, and users.

ACETI, Grinauti Agro-Industrial College and AGRICOS visit an agricultural company with over a thousand hectares

Evenimente en ACETI, Grinauti Agro-Industrial College and AGRICOS visit an agricultural company with over a thousand hectares

ACETI organised the first study visit in the framework of the project “Edu – Tech – Agro – Nord – Agricultural Technology Education for the North”. The event took place on 5 June on the grounds of SRL “Plaiul Bîrlădean”, the largest agricultural company in the Ocnita district.

Guests of the activity were students and teachers of the Agroindustrial College from Grinauti, as well as farmers from other localities.

The host of the event was SRL “Plaiul Bîrlădean” from the village of Bîrlădeni in Ocnita district. It processes more than 1000 hectares of land, cultivated with sunflowers, sugar beet, wheat, barley, soya, as well as apple, cherry and plum orchards, and employs around 200 people.

Participants in the study visit took the opportunity to witness the agricultural drone work in a super-intensive apple orchard carried out by AGRICOS. Denis Tserulnik, one of the company’s founders, demonstrated to the young people the advantages of using an agricultural drone over traditional processing methods and encouraged them to become good specialists in operating such machines.

For his part, Ion Bodrug, president of ACETI, mentioned the prospects offered by innovative technologies in agriculture.

“Agriculture and the technologies used in it are developing rapidly from one day to the next.

Farmers need technology to grow their businesses. They need quality services, they need you as future specialists who will provide them with these quality services,” said Ion Bodrug.

Tatiana Pavliuc, director of Plaiul Bîrlădean, stressed the importance of digitising the agricultural sector, noting that the company she runs regularly makes significant investments in innovative systems and technologies in order to increase business efficiency and, most importantly, the quality of the finished product.

During the study visit, the foundations were also laid for another AgTech club, which will be set up at technical vocational schools with an agricultural profile, with the participation of students passionate about technologies

The project “Edu – Tech – Agro – North – Agricultural Technology Education for the North” is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID Moldova) through the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Project in Moldova (PCRR) and is implemented by ACETI in collaboration with development partners.