Opportunities to promote innovation and technology development explored at ANCD and ACETI meeting
The President of the Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies (ACETI), Ion Bodrug, and the Director of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANCD), Aurelia Hanganu, had, on December 5, 2024, a meeting focused on identifying the possibilities of collaboration between ANCD and ACETI in order to promote innovation and technology development.
The General Director of ANCD, Aurelia Hanganu, briefly presented the specifics of the Agency, referring to the project competitions launched and some planned activities, as well as the opportunities for participation in the competitions, starting January 2025. “Currently, opportunities are open for writing projects at European level, with a focus on finalizing the current calls. An eloquent example was the high number of proposals registered in the competition “Complex Bilateral Projects with the Republic of Moldova”, with 290 proposals submitted reflecting the clear interest in our initiatives. The projects, which we are developing, include both research mobilities and more complex projects, such as the Moldovan-Georgian bilateral projects, which will start in January. In addition, calls for joint scientific activities, including with Georgia, have recently been finalized and we are preparing for the opening of a new bilateral project with Armenia,” said the Director.
Detailing the project competitions on research excellence, technology transfer, innovation vouchers, etc., the Agency’s management also informed about the information sessions held in several higher education institutions in the country to encourage researchers to participate in competitions individually and in consortium. “We have informed the scientific community about the specifics of the launched competitions, highlighting the transparent distribution of funding. It was also reiterated to simplify the competition application process and the evaluation of project proposals to support collaboration between universities, research institutions and businesses. And we will continue to provide financial support for initiatives, innovative projects that bring real value to the economy and society”, said the ANCD director, assuring the constant support of the state for researchers.
In his turn, Ion Bodrug, president of the Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies (ACETI), thanked for the invitation to dialog and joint identification of opportunities for collaboration in the field of research and innovation with the involvement of entrepreneurs. The President of ACETI referred to the work of the Association, the existing challenges, as well as the results achieved in the last period. “This year, the Association has marked 5 years of activity and we are very happy that we have withstood various challenges.
We grew from 4 companies to 24, including international. In 2021 we created the Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova (DIH of Moldova), taking inspiration from our peers in Romania, and today we continue to provide connections between startups, investors, access to funding for digital transformation, providing a platform that connects companies in the region with professionals, future specialists, suppliers and users. We support the region’s development by providing financial assistance, through programs, for companies’ re-technologization and digitalization,” said Ion Bodrug.
The president of ACETI also emphasized that in the Association’s work, European procedures have been adopted at the micro level to learn and prepare Moldovan companies for future projects. Ion Bodrug also referred to the Association’s participation in international summits, the activities initiated to further strengthen relations with Romania and Ukraine to support small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the current preparations for the Digital Europe Program (DEP).
During the discussions, the National Agency for Research and Development and the Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies confirmed their commitment to work together to promote technologies and innovations and to support good relations between academia and business. The sides agreed to establish a joint agenda of actions to provide assistance to SMEs, to all interested organizations, on their participation in competitions launched by the NACD, so as to contribute to the development of a sustainable and innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem.