About us

The Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova (DIH of Moldova) is a project created in December 2021 by the Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies (ACETI), together with a group of regional, national, and international IT companies. It follows the model of the European Digital Innovation Hub from Romania, facilitating connections between startups, investors, providing access to funding for digital transformation. Simultaneously, it serves as a platform connecting companies in the region with professionals, future specialists, suppliers, and users.

DIH of Moldova signed a memorandum with a similar structure from Ukraine

Evenimente en DIH of Moldova signed a memorandum with a similar structure from Ukraine

The dialogue between the National Seed Research and Production Center (former ICCC “Selection”) and the National Enterprise “Interdepartmental Science and Technology Center “Agrobiotech” (МНТЦ Агробіотех) in Kiev, Ukraine, on topics of common interest, initiated by the Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova (orchestrated by #ACETI) is taking new contours.

The two entities met today, June 26, 2024, in Balti to discuss the possibility of jointly applying and participating in attracting funds and realizing important projects for the scientific research sectors in the field of innovative agriculture in the two countries.

The representatives of the institutions noted the large number of points of common tangency. On this basis, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova (whose member is the National Center for Seed Research and Production) and the Virtual Center for Digital Innovation (NOSC-UA DIH) in Kiev (whose member is the Interdepartmental Science and Technology Center “Agrobiotech” of Ukraine).

The document is supposed to promote and strengthen cooperation between national digital transformation ecosystems, in particular through communication and awareness-raising, to help create and support a new generation of researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs and innovators in the field of manufacturing, as well as to increase the level of participation of individuals and entities (e.g. national public organizations, private enterprises, higher education institutions and research organizations).

We are confident that the members of the hubs will establish long-term mutually beneficial collaborative relationships.