DIH of Moldova, innovation contest for young people
The Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova, orchestrated by ACETI, hosted the Innovation Challenge Contest, organized by GIZ Moldova with the support of the German Government. This contest aimed to promote innovation through a fun and engaging puzzle-solving activity highlighting topics such as digital transformation, robotics and innovative solutions.
The event, which took place on November 28 at Tekwill Balti and brought together over 35 students together with their teachers from Balti’s professional technical educational institutions, members and partners Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova.
Divided into four teams of 4-5 members each, the contest participants answered 16 questions in the field of innovative technologies, receiving for each correct answer a puzzle piece. The winning team was the team that was the first to put all the puzzle pieces together and assemble the picture.
Both the winners of the competition and the members of the other teams were awarded symbolic gifts (small electronic devices) by the organizers.
As well as the competition, the event included presentations of virtual painting (drawing using VR technology) and an exhibition of innovative works by young enthusiasts.