About us

The Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova (DIH of Moldova) is a project created in December 2021 by the Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies (ACETI), together with a group of regional, national, and international IT companies. It follows the model of the European Digital Innovation Hub from Romania, facilitating connections between startups, investors, providing access to funding for digital transformation. Simultaneously, it serves as a platform connecting companies in the region with professionals, future specialists, suppliers, and users.

ACETI organized the Conference “Digital Transformation in the Republic of Moldova through Digital Innovation Hub” in Cahul

Evenimente en ACETI organized the Conference “Digital Transformation in the Republic of Moldova through Digital Innovation Hub” in Cahul

The Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies (ACETI) as orchestrator of the Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova and implementer of the project “DIH of Moldova Steps 4 EDIH”, organized on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, in partnership with the Cahul City Hall, the State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” and the INOTEK Innovation Center, the Conference “Digital Transformation in the Republic of Moldova through Digital Innovation Hub”.

The event gathered in the premises of the State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” from Cahul more than 100 participants: representatives of local public authorities and academia, members of the Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova, local and international partners, representatives of SMEs, students of higher education institutions and specialized local environment.

Nicolae Dandiș, Mayor of Cahul Municipality, who was also present as a partner of the event, welcomed the audience. He mentioned the importance of such events to promote digital transformation for Cahul Municipality and the entire southern region of the country.

“It is important to discuss more often, to know what the challenges are, what the objectives are. Innovations must come as a result of concrete needs. We don’t innovate just for the sake of innovations, but when there are problems, we identify them, experts come with ideas, with solutions, with software and everything that is needed for innovations”, said Nicolae Dandiș.

For his part, Ion Bodrug, President of ACETI, thanked those who had accepted the invitation to take part in the event and to share ACETI’s 5 years of experience in technologies and solutions for digital transformation.

Ion Ghelețchi, pro-rector of the State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” from Cahul, pointed out the openness of the institution represented by him for innovations and everything that means digital transformation.

“Digitalization is something very important. We no longer talk about digitalization as a factor of innovation. On the contrary, digitisation is something that makes our lives more comfortable, making us look at things a little differently,” Ion Ghelețchi said.

The event presented examples of solutions from Moldova and Romania that can be applied for digital transformation in Cahul municipality and the region, such as intelligent video surveillance and transport monitoring systems, solutions for minimizing the circulation of documents in traditional format and replacing them with digitally signed electronic documents, SMART solutions for smart communities, RPA technology (process automation with software robots), digital transformation in agriculture, etc.

Artur Bulat, Digitization Consultant of GIZ Moldova, DT4SME Project mentioned that the DT4SME Project implemented by GIZ Moldova will further support the Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova to replicate the experience gained throughout the country.

At the end of the event, the participants had the opportunity to communicate with each other in a friendly atmosphere to establish further productive partnerships.

This activity took place with the support of the project “Digital Transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Eastern Partnership Countries” (DT4SME), funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by GIZ Moldova.