ACETI member builds first technology center for innovation and manufacturing in Moldova
The construction of the “IIoT Pro Center” – the first Technology Center for Innovation and Production in the Republic of Moldova started in December 2024 entering from Chisinau to Ungheni.
The Center, being a modern, three-storey (the last one being an attic), unique building according to the “passive house” concept with low energy consumption will enable the transformation of the city into a growth pole in the field of smart socio-economic development.
In the Centre are planned conference rooms, remote monitoring and control of all installed subsystems, an automated microelectronics production line, etc. will be organized.
The total value of the investment will be 650 thousand euro, of which 550 thousand euro is provided in the form of a grant from the program “EU4Moldova: Key Regions”, implemented by UNDP (UNDP Moldova) and UNICEF Moldova. Another 100 thousand euro will be the beneficiary’s contribution of IDomus Company (ACETI member).
The building is planned to be operational by July 2025.