About us

The Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova (DIH of Moldova) is a project created in December 2021 by the Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies (ACETI), together with a group of regional, national, and international IT companies. It follows the model of the European Digital Innovation Hub from Romania, facilitating connections between startups, investors, providing access to funding for digital transformation. Simultaneously, it serves as a platform connecting companies in the region with professionals, future specialists, suppliers, and users.

ACETI and DIH of Moldova, fruitful visit to Cluj-Napoca

Evenimente en ACETI and DIH of Moldova, fruitful visit to Cluj-Napoca

The Digital Innovation Hub of Moldova (DIH of Moldova), orchestrated by the Association for the Development of Electronic Communications and Innovative Technologies (ACETI), participated in a series of productive meetings held on 24-25 April in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
We were honored to take part in the Digital Talk TEDIHT Conference, organized under the aegis of The European Digital Innovation Hub in Transylvania (TEDIHT), an EDIH whose experience can serve as an excellent benchmark for the development of IHD of Moldova.
The conference proved to be an excellent platform to catch up with colleagues from the European Union for productive discussions and exchange of perspectives and ideas, as well as to deepen our knowledge about digitization and digital transformation and their impact on the way businesses are run, bringing together professionals eager to take decisive steps towards digital transformation.
The best practice examples and collaborative success stories of digitisation presented at the conference can also be successfully applied to the prospects of digital transformation in Moldova with the effort of DIH of Moldova.

The visit to Cluj was also an excellent opportunity to exchange best practices with genuine European entities in the field of digital transformation, such as The European Digital Innovation Hub in Transylvania, Digital Innovation Zone, resulting in a productive discussion with details on procedures and criteria for beneficiaries of digitization programmes funded by the Digital Europe Programme.
The participation of DIH of Moldova in this activity took place with the support of the project “Digital Transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Eastern Partnership Countries”, funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ Moldova.